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Metal Finishing

What’s the Best Kraft Paper Alternative for Metal Finishing?

Are you looking for a viable, versatile, more reliable Kraft paper alternative for the metal finishing industry? If so, Frank Lowe’s WOW Pads, which are shipping pads for finished metal products, will meet the needs of your application and exceed your expectations. Our separator pads and shipping pads are the preferred protective solution for the shipping, storage, and packaging of finished metal.

These solutions offer an array of advantages as a Kraft paper alternative. We regularly produce custom metal finishing shipping pads and separator pads for a range of finished metal products, such as:

  • Powder-coated metals
  • Metal plating products
  • Buff polishing products
  • Brushed metal products
  • Sand blasted metal products
  • Metal vibratory finishing
  • Metal grinding products
  • And more

Let’s take a closer look at why Frank Lowe’s metal finishing shipping and separator pads are the superior kraft paper alternatives. 

Shipping & Separator Pads Boast Superior Cushioning & Protection

You and your people work hard to create the metal finishing products your customers need and appreciate. Nothing is worse than having a perfectly powder-coated sheet of metal leave your facility in pristine form and suffer substantial shipping damages.

One of the top reasons our shipping and separator pads are the better kraft paper alternative is due to their exceptional ability to protect your products. At Frank Lowe, our metal finishing shipping and separator pads are uniquely engineered to:

  • Dampen vibrations and impacts,
  • Absorb multiple shocks and bumps,
  • Reduce product slippage,
  • Help minimize and prevent friction that can cause damage,
  • Prevent rattling during transport,
  • Safely separate sheets of finished metal or metal products,
  • Boast exceptional compression and recoil,
  • Stabilize finished metal products throughout storage and shipping,
  • And much more!

Can your kraft paper do any of this? Ultimately, our metal finishing shipping and separator pads are the better kraft paper alternative because our solutions are uniquely engineered to protect delicate finished metal products throughout shipping, storage, packaging, and installation.

Our Pads Can Withstand Temperatures and Elements

One of the top benefits of using our shipping and separator pads as a kraft paper alternative is its ability to withstand temperatures and elements. Specifically, the performance of our metal finishing separator pads and shipping pads are virtually unaffected by the environmental elements, such as rain, snow, and ice. In contrast, when corrugated packaging and many types of kraft paper gets wet or damp, it's useless.

Metal Finishing Pads Offer Multiple Levels of Protection

What works well for protecting one powder-coated component may not suffice for another finished metal product. Because of this, Frank Lowe offers different levels of protection to meet your specific application needs. Some of the most common and reliable finished metal separator and shipping pads include:

  • Lighter density white polyfoam shipping pads for metal finishing
  • Moderate density Neo-Rebond metal finishing shipping pads
  • And more.

Our Pads Are Kraft Paper Alternatives with Varying Thicknesses

Whether you choose Frank Lowe’s NeoRebond pads or any other type of pad, you have access to an array of thicknesses. Most importantly, the experienced product engineers at Frank Lowe will work to understand your unique metal finishing shipping and storage needs. Then we’ll suggest the shipping pads or separator pads with the best thickness to provide the protection your product needs.

Our Shipping and Separator Pads Are Easy-to-Apply Kraft Paper Alternatives

Separator pads and shipping pads are kraft paper alternatives that are extremely easy to apply. Like a peel-and-stick process, you simply need to remove the adhesive-backed paper and apply it to your finished metal product for enhanced protection during shipping.

It’s engineered with reovable pressure-sensitive adhesive and is designed to remain intact while providing the ultimate level of protection. And whenever you’re ready to remove the metal finishing shipping or separator pads from the product, our pads will leave no messy residue behind.

Metal Finishing Shipping & Separator Pads Are Die Cut for Optimum Effectiveness

In addition to being simple to apply, the Frank Lowe team of product specialists will work with you to die cut your pads in the most efficient and effective shape. Although most of our metal finishing pads are requested as squares, we can die cut virtually any shape to your specifications.

Contact Frank Lowe for the Best Kraft Paper Alternatives

As a manufacturer of custom metal finishing products, you work hard and pour hours of craftsmanship into creating products your customers appreciate. Make sure your packaging, shipping, and storage solutions provide the protection your product deserves.

Like so many other metal finishing companies have discovered, Frank Lowe's custom metal finishing shipping pads are the best kraft paper alternatives. If you’re currently using kraft paper or are looking for kraft paper alternatives, contact the Frank Lowe team to learn how our custom solutions can help you deliver the best products to your clients.

About the Author Randy Cohen

Since 2002, Randy Cohen has served as the Senior Vice President of Frank Lowe — leading Sales and Marketing as well as a variety of Administrative operations. Randy has 25 years of experience with a background in sales & marketing, production and business management, serving both government agencies and private industry. He holds a B.A from Syracuse University and a Masters and Professional Diploma from Fordham University. Randy uses his unique set of experiences to partner with businesses and entities across all sectors explore, pursue, and create better solutions.

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