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A Deep Look at Cork Thickness for Cork Sheets and Rolls

Cork is an amazingly versatile material with endless possibilities — once you get the right cork thickness. In fact, choosing the best cork thickness is one of the first and most important steps you will take. Whether it's cork sheets or cork rolls, the experts at Frank Lowe offer an expansive inventory of cork in different thicknesses. 

Best of all, we can guide you through the process with our decades of experience. Let's take a deeper look at cork thickness as well as a few things you should consider when using cork materials. 

How to Choose the Best Cork Thickness? 

Depending on the cork thickness you select, the possibilities are endless. Whether you're looking for cork underlayment for flooring or cork for coasters, you should pay special attention to the cork thickness. Fortunately, the experts at Frank Lowe offer exclusive experience helping those we serve to select the best cork thickness. Some of the most common cork thicknesses we offer include:

  • 1/32 inch cork sheets / rolls
  • List 1/16 inch cork sheets / rolls
  • 3/32 inch cork sheets / rolls
  • 1/8 inch cork sheets / rolls
  • 3/16 inch cork sheets / rolls
  • 1/4 inch cork sheets / rolls
  • 1.5mm cork sheets / rolls
  • 2mm cork sheets / rolls
  • 3mm cork sheets / rolls
  • 5mm cork sheets / rolls
  • 6mm cork sheets / rolls

What's the Right Cork Sheet Thickness for Arts & Crafts Projects? 

There are no hard and fast rules for cork roll thickness or cork sheet thickness used for arts and crafts projects. However, if you're looking for materials suitable for rainy day projects, cork with a 1/8 inch thick sheet should more than meet your needs. 

With this cork sheet or cork roll thickness, you'll be able to confidently create drawer lining and cut coasters. If you're looking to sell your creations, you may want to go a bit thicker for quality. In either case, every situation is different and should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 

What's the Right Cork Roll Thickness or Cork Sheet Thickness for Underlayment? 

When choosing the best cork roll or sheet thickness for underlayment or construction, it's critical to know the goals of the project. For most contractors and homeowners, cork underlayment is chosen primarily because of its exceptional sound and thermal insulation. Thanks to its millions of air-filled cells that are structured in a honeycomb-like pattern, cork underlayment is able to deaden sound, unlike any other material. 

And if you're looking for the best cork roll thickness or cork sheet thickness for sound dampening, you'll get the most bang for your buck at 1/4 inch (6 mm) thick cork - supplied in roll or sheet form. At this thickness, it has a Sound Transmission Class (STC) score of 50. The STC score is a method used to determine how sound travels through different building components. 

The ratings are commonly used on multi-family or commercial dwellings because most building codes and jurisdictions do require a minimum STC rating. However, if sound reduction is your goal, thicker cork is obviously better. And doubling the cork roll thickness or cork sheet thickness to 1/2 inch (12 mm) will get to an STC score of 75.

What Is the Best Cork Thickness for a Cork Board? 

If you're creating a pin-up board or tacking surface, you should look to use cork that is 1/4" thickness. This cork can be directly mounted to the wallboard. On the other hand, the cork can be mounted to a suitable substrate such as Homasote or Gypsum. These boards are the preferred solution for many because it's thick enough to withstand the incessant poking from thumb tacks and nails.  

What's the Best Cork Thickness for Coasters?

Whether you're creating cork coasters or looking for cork backing for your coasters, the thickness is paramount. The cork backing will be responsible for absorbing shock, acting as a buffer, and adding a bit of heft to your product. Typical cork thickness is 1/16” when protecting ceramic, stone, slate or any other coaster from damaging tabletop surfaces..

While 1/4" cork can be suitable for wallboards and 1/8" thick cork can be used for arts and crafts, you may decide to select a thicker or thinner cork for your coasters. In either case, the experts at Frank Lowe will help you walk through all of your options and understand the financial implications of different cork sheet thickness and cork roll thickness for coasters. 

What Is the Greatest Cork Roll Thickness? 

In general, the thickest you'll find cork supplied in rolls is 1/2". Cork at this thickness will most likely be used for its exceptional acoustical and thermal benefits. 

Looking for Cork? Contact Frank Lowe

At Frank Lowe, we offer a vast range of cork sheet thicknesses and cork roll thicknesses. However, we don't just offer cork products — we help those we serve to make the most informed decisions. When you partner with Frank Lowe, you'll immediately gain access to over 60 years of experience. Since we began in the industry, we've helped countless business owners across virtually all industries improve their products and processes with our expertise. 

Contact Frank Lowe today to learn more about the different thicknesses of cork we offer as well as our cork die cut services

About the Author Randy Cohen

Since 2002, Randy Cohen has served as the Senior Vice President of Frank Lowe — leading Sales and Marketing as well as a variety of Administrative operations. Randy has 25 years of experience with a background in sales & marketing, production and business management, serving both government agencies and private industry. He holds a B.A from Syracuse University and a Masters and Professional Diploma from Fordham University. Randy uses his unique set of experiences to partner with businesses and entities across all sectors explore, pursue, and create better solutions.

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